Thursday, March 22, 2012

Samarian-Judean Terrorism on the Rise on Highways

Nadene Goldfoot
Samaria, which is what some people call part of the West Bank, holds both Arabs and Jews.  Today an Israeli car drove near the Arab village of Duma on the highway NE of Ramallah and was stoned.  The windshield was smashed and the rock had blood on it from hitting the passenger.  The driver contacted the IDF immediately who are searching for the people who threw the rocks.  This is not the first attack in Samaria or Judea. 

Just January 31st an attack happened in Northern Samaria when a woman's car was stoned while driving and she was wounded while 2 other cars were damaged. 

By the middle of February3  women in Judea and Samaria were attacked in their cars by Palestinian Authority Arabs, dragged from their cars which were then stolen.  In retaliation, the Jewish residents of Kedumim blocked the PA Arab drivers from merging onto Route 55.  The attacks had been getting more violent and they wanted the government to protect drivers. 

An attack back in September 2011 on Asher Palmer from Kiryat Arba who was driving on Highway 60 ended in tragedy because he had his baby son, Yonatan in the car.  The rock attack caused Asher to lose control of the car and it crashed, killing the baby. 

The increased Arab rock attacks on the road in Judea and Samaria and in neighborhoods in Jerusalem seem to be the start of a Third Intifada. 

Resource: Arutz Sheva

Ramban in Jerusalem and the Jews Who Lived There 1267-1967

Nadene Goldfoot
1,132 years after Bar Kochba's  last stand in Jerusalem, in 1267 CE, Rabbi Moses Ben Nahman "The Ramban" from Gerona, Spain  entered Jerusalem and saw what the overrunning of the Tartar hordes had done to this precious city.  Tartars were from the Genghis Khan and the Russian Empire who were moving eastward.  They were made up of people of Siberia, Turkestan, and Mongolia from across the Great Steppe to the Caspian Sea to the Ural Mountains.  In 1240 the Mongols had invaded Syria and were successful in 1260.  Some Mongols engaged in raids as far south as Jerusalem and Gaza.  They had taken Aleppo and Damascus in Syria.  They then invaded Hungary in 1285 and were again successful in 1300.  . 

Whole quarters were either ruined or empty, and there were only two people there that he could find, two brothers who were dyers by trade.  There in their home, 10 or more people were gathered from outside Jerusalem for the Sabbath and holiday prayers.  Rabbi Nahman, known as the Ramban, lived there as well.

The Ramban, one of the greatest Rabbis and greatest scholar, was horrified at the condition of the Holy Land and of Jerusalem, so wrote to his son for help in finding a good place to have a synagogue.and finally found a restorable hall.  He also encouraged outside Jewish communities to return and resettle in Jerusalem. He reminded people that the Bible said "We will not forsake the Land to others of the nations" from Numbers 33:53.   He himself stayed for a year, then moved to Acre, but his synagogue was the start of Jewish Quarter.

Most houses grew through the centuries and had chicken coops or kitchen shacks added.  Many walls looked like stony patchwork.  What would be a basement to us looked like caves, but the upper rooms were airy and beautiful.  People moved there from all over the world but most were from Samaria and the Galilee until the mid 1500's when the Sephardic influence became dominant.

During the 17th century a Jew converted to Islam after quarreling with his community leaders. He then built a mosque on his own plot and its minaret stands on the Street of the Jews.

In 1622, Rabbi Yeshayahu Ha-levi Horowitz came from Prague, a city today in Czech Republic but then a city of Bohemia.  In 1700 Rabbi Yehuda Hechassid and Rabbi Hayim Malach brought a large group from Russia and some settled.  Hechassid had made the first down-payment on the site and then died 5 days after his arrival.  When the community couldn't make the next payment the Moslems burned the small synagogue and imprisoned the Jewish leaders.  The Jews paid interest on the debt for 120 years until it was cancelled by order of Ibrahim Pasha.  In 1741 Rabbi Hayim Ben Attar came from Morocco to settle and was followed by a group of Italian families and immigrants from Egypt and Damascus. 

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt took over Jerusalem in 1831, a liberal-minded and far-sighted man who had fought the Ottoman Empire.    At this time 40% of Jerusalem was still empty or in ruins.  He allowed Jewish and Christian immigration hoping to jolt Palestine out of the Dark Ages.  Churches and synagogues were then built. From 1852, the population more than doubled.  Jews were the largest single religious group at the time of the first census.  Jews started living outside the walls as well.

 By 1870's the Jewish Quarter looked so much better.  The great domes of the Hurva and Tifereet-Israel Synagogues rose high above roofs and cupolas.  The German Square was an absorption center for immigrant families built with contributions from German and Dutch communities.  Nearby was the great Sephardic Yeshiva, Porat Yosef, and hospitals.  Homes and apartments were built.  The Jewish Quarter sent out their own caravanserai-Khan Khalili twice a week to Hebron and once a week to Safed and Tiberias. 

In 1886, the Synagogue of the Ramban was expropriated by ruling Turks.  Synagogues were not allowed to be higher than the nearest mosque.  At this time two new synagogues were built; the Synagogue of the Prophet Elijah was one.

This renewed start continued until May 28, 1948 when the Old City was taken over by Jordan. Then the Arabs systematically destroyed the Quarter and desecrated Jewish holy places both in and around this walled city. It had once occupied one fifth of the old city. The two main streets were Habad and Street of the Jews.  By 1948, 2500 Jews lived in the Old City including students . Some  Arab families moved into  Jewish homes.  Then the invading Arab armies took over.

After the June 1967 Six Day War Israelis returned to the Jewish Quarter of the Old City and they saw that Jordan left a broken and jagged walls of the Hurva Synaogue that had been rebuilt in 1854 and then  halted once more by order of the Sultan until Sir Moses Montefiore  renewed permission.  It was finally completed in 1864 and named the Hurva "the Ruin" in memory of its burned first structure. 

Resource:Jewish Digest December 1975, Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem by Gabriella Rosenthal condensed from Israel Magazine and then again by me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mental Health Problem? UN Human Rights Meshugana When They Praise Iran

Nadene Goldfoot
On Monday, the same day that a motorcycle killer shot a Rabbi and his two children and another little girl at close range at a Jewish school in Toulouse, France, the UN's Human Rights had a debate where the Syrian ambassador told his audience that it was Israelis who were behind the ongoing violence in Syria!  Nobody gasped to show disapproval.  They seems to all be in agreement.  Would Syria lie? 

Also, delegates from Cuba, Syria, Belarus, Zimbabwe, Venezuela and other places praised the Iranian government's human rights record!  Iran is guilty of all sorts of abuses and just last year had the highest number of executions of any country in the world  from crimes like homosexuality,  to  being a member of the Baha'i faith.  A few countries' delegates did condemn Syria and Iran for other matters.  The Baha'i faith has moved its center to Haifa, Israel, where it resides in peace. 

They also heaped praise on Gaddafi's regime's human rights record.  Libya was held guilty from rebel forces, Armed forces and NATO of practicing rape, extrajudicial killings, racism, misconduct and bombing civilians.  It seems that eventually all involved were guilty of human rights violations.  Yet they are now praised by this august body of thinkers. 

Do these people actually believe what they are saying or is it all smacking up to Iran who is the main  provider of Syria's weaponry.  They sit in the council chamber with a painted ceiling that is a work of art that the UN says cost $23 million, that probably came mostly from the USA.  It could have fed starving children in Africa.  At the very entrance to the chamber is a statue of Maat, goddess of truth and justice given by Egypt's Mubarak, and another that reads, A statue of Nemesis, goddess of justice, given by the Syrian government.  Now we know why they kicked these statues out of their country.  It seems they're powerless anyway, as all gods and goddesses are, ever since Abraham broke them up in his father's shop and came into an era of common sense. 

Resource: Baha'i in Iran at UN

Monday, March 19, 2012

Kassam Rocket Hits Israel Monday

Nadene Goldfoot
The rockets are falling again from the terrorists, showing that the cease fire has ended between Gaza and Israel.  One kassam rocket fell in the Western Negev Monday morning in a rural area.  This time it didn't hit a building or a person. 

At the same time, the chutzpah of the terrorists is at an all time high with Ismail al-Ashqar speaking to the UN Human rights council on Monday morning.  He has publically called for Hamas to kidnap Israeli soldiers, which is a war crime.  Also, he calls for a Jihad to liberate Jerusalem from the "dirt of Zionist occupation."  The Human Rights Council, made up of 47 states, includes such stand up countries as China, Saudi Arabia and Cuba, who know just how to treat  people.  I wonder  whose ethics they follow? 

Hamas fires rockets at the homes of innocent Israeli civilians yet is received with open arms by the UN who are always denouncing Israel.  If this isn't a mass mental illness, what is? 

Resource:  Arutz Sheva,7340,L-4204561,00.html

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Why Are Jews Back in Israel Once Again?

We were scattered.  There has always been a reason people have used to hate us, but here we are.  We didn't disappear like all the other nations have.  Am Yisrael  chi.  The people of Israel live.  Please watch the video for an excellent explanation and overview. 

Friday, March 09, 2012

New Escalation of 40 Rockets (80) (90+)(100)(120) From Gaza Thursday and Friday: Worse since October

Nadene Goldfoot
The Popular Resistance committees (PRC)  terrorists were planning attacks in the Sinai along the boarder between Israel and Egypt.  Israel Air Force hit the vehicle involved killing their commander Zuheir al Qaisi,  Ahmad Hanini and 6 others on Friday. They had been planning a major attack on Israeli targets.   Two mortar shells were fired at Israel from Hamas causing an explosion in the open fields. 

This brought about a rocket barrage from Gaza of 40 rockets into Southern Israel. In return, the IDF hit terror targets in Gaza.  It continued from Thursday throught Friday.  Since then the number has gone to 80 and now 90 plus rockets, one of which was a 25 mile long range rocket that Israel's Iron Dome stopped. 

Abu Attiya threatened retaliation.  These PRC terrorists called it a grave escalation.  You see, according to their rules, they can attack but don't want to be attacked in return.  They have continued to fire rockets at Israel, yet now that Israel retaliated but good, we see the Arab League screaming and condemning the "Gaza massacre."   So far the air strikes from Israel have killed 15 terrorists. 
The attack continued March 9th and 10th amounting to 80 (90+) rockets shot, mainly into Beersheba and the Eshkal region of Southern Israel.  The terrorists used mobile Grad launchers smuggled in from Libya. 

Reference: March 9, 10; Palestinians fire mobile Grad launcher smuggled from Libya; count up to 80 rockets.
3/11/12 Fox TV News

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Those Terrible Israeli Doctors; Such Chutzpah !

Nadene Goldfoot
The Israeli doctors have a lot of nerve.  PA Health Minister Fathi Abu Mughli and director Ahmed Bitawi also are pretty nervy.  They all toured the Palestine Medical Compound in Ramallah causing an Arab protest.  Ramallah, only 6 miles north of Jerusalem,  used to be a Christian city but is now mostly all Muslim and serves as the capital of Fatah's PA with about 25,500 population. 

How dare they all visit!  Doctors and nurses in the compound were instructed to meet these 3 Israeli doctors!  It amounts to fraternizing with the enemy, they seemed to think, and complained that it was a form of normalizsation with Israel which they are opposed to. 

Against the doctors' visit was Fatah's Dr. Mutasem Muhaisen who described the idea to host the Israeli team of doctors as "irresponsible.  It was an offense to the memory of Palestinian martyrs who died in clashes with IDF soldiers over the past 20 years, he complained.  The accusation was made that the doctors weren't doctors but IDF officers and soldiers.  Abu Mughli knew the truth that they were in fact, simply doctors.  Mughli also reminded people that patients were being transferred to Israeli hospitals on a regular basis.  Probably they are sent to Ashkelon's hospital. 

Mughli also stated that the PA was ready to provide medical services to Israelis, and at least he isn't against meeting with Israeli doctors.  Bitawi also said that this was a part of coooperation between Israelis and Palestinianss in the medical field and that for doctors this is not a political issue but a humanitarian mission. 

However, back in the Gaza Strip, Basem Naim, Minister of Health in the Hamas government, had a fit and claimed it was part of security coordination between Israel and the PA (Fatah).  I can see that Hamas and Fatah are getting along just fine. 

Small steps.  Just a few doctors were amiable to fraternizing with Israeli doctors, but it's a start in the right direction.  Now, if only they could work on the killers who keep shooting at Israelis.  That would be a giant step for mankind.  I guess it depends on their goals; help patients to live and be well or to kill Israelis.  I see what most want.

Resource: Diplomacy & Politics