Sunday, January 02, 2011

Threatening Attacks on Israelis and its IDF Soldiers

Nadene Goldfoot

We have 300,000 Israeli Jews living in Judea-Samaria and 200,000 living in East Jerusalem. Yet the future Palestine State wants both places for themselves minus Jews and won't talk about any peace plans. This makes for a very unsettled environment.

A rash of attacks have been happening against the IDF. Saturday night, an Arab was arrested in Gush Elzion, which is south of Bethlehem. He was trying to stab two female IDF soldiers.

Mohammed Daraghmeh tried to stab the IDF soldiers at their Hamra checkpoint northeast of Nablus. He went into the wrong lane purposefully after being warned and was told to stop but didn't. He acted like he was also trying to stab the soldiers there but was found to be holding a bottle. The soldiers reacted quickly and shot and killed the menacer. When a soldier's life if threatened, they don't take it lightly. This action closed the checkpoint.

Five Arabs were arrested for trying to plant rockets in the Teddy Football Stadium in Jerusalem, where soccer is played. Shin Bet caught several men who were plotting to avenge Operation Cast Lead two years ago in Gaza. Mussa Hamada and Basem Omri of East Jerusalem, both Arab Israeli citizens, were the plotters. They were members of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. They had already collected a number of pistols and were scouting out the area looking for the best place to plant the rocket. Shin Bet uncovered much Hamas activity going on in Jerusalem.

English-born Kaye Susan Wilson and her good friend from the states, Christine Logan were hiking in the forest outside of Jerusalem a few weeks ago when they were attacked by two Arab men. They were both tied up and stabbed. Wilson freed herself later only to find her friend dead. The IDF started the search for the killers by checking out a nearby hospital, thinking they may have also been hurt in the attack. So far they haven't been found.


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